Cohort two

Balyesiima Christopher

Balyesiima Christopher (Ugandan) was born in 1994 in Buliisa district western part of Uganda. He is only child in family and all his parents passed away. Balyesiima has shown interest and motivation to become a responsible person and a leader in space. He is curren tly enrolled for Bachelor of Science in Agri-entrepreneurship and Communication Management at Gulu university (Uganda) for four years (2018- 2022) supported by MasterCard and RUFORUM. Balyesiima has a purpose to become an entrepreneur so as to employ youth and also to become a motivational communicator in agricultural field in Africa

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  • Unique Visitors: 84655

The launch of TAGDev Project

CARP+ and RECAP Gallery

Our Contacts

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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