RUFORUM Community Action Research Programme PLUS (CARP+)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CARP+?
The RUFORUM CARP is designed to encourage universities to develop and invest in more comprehensive and sustained action research and to establish a “platform” for engagement with all the stakeholders. The CARP+ is an expanded form of the CARP with a specific inclusion of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions within the implementation of the CARP to enhance university-community and TVET interaction space for community transformation. It is this expanded focus that the CARPs are now called CARP+.
What is the aim of the Call?
The Community Action Research Programme PLUS (CARP+) is an innovative initiative to increase deepening of university engagement with rural communities, private sector and TVET institutions as well as policy and decision leaders. It thus supports enhancing impact of university activities on small holder farmers, strengthen university community outreach, supports value chains development and capacity and experiential learning within universities.
What are the objectives of the Call?
The CARP+ specifically seeks to:
What are the focus areas of the Call and does my proposal have to address all of them?
The focus priority areas for this Call are the crop and livestock sectors under the thematic area “Innovation for sustainable crop-livestock systems within value chains that improve smallholder incomes, food security and enhance educational value chain”. Whilst describing the involvement of TVET institutions, the project team should ensure that they detail the tangible deliverables and benefits that the TVET institutions will obtain from participating in their project. The TVET institutions should have clear roles and clarity provided on how the Project proposed will lead to transformation at institutional as well as individual levels.
The project proposals should identify crops and livestock value chains6 of strategic importance with potential to accelerate smallholder farmers out of poverty and food insecurity. In all the proposals submitted, there should be a strong focus on facilitating value chain development, action research and great integration and participation of TVET institutions as a mechanism to demonstrate sustainable and profitable livelihoods in agriculture. While applicants are encouraged to have a strong science base in the project proposals, applicants are also advised to have innovative conceptions of social engineering that allows for smallholder farmer empowerment as well as the sustainability of the Projects.
Which Universities are participating in this call?
The 2017 CARP+ Call (RU/MCF/CARP+/2017/01) is a closed call targeted for Egerton University and Gulu University. However, in the third quarter of 2017, an open call targeting the wider RUFORUM network will be issued.
What character/size/duration must a CARP+ have?
A CARP+ application should be:
The complete proposals must be a maximum of 25 typed A4 pages, 1.0 spacing, Times New Roman, font size 12 with normal margins (1 inch all through; top, bottom, left and right).
What are Eligibility Criteria?
What kind of partners can be included in a CARP+?
What is the definition of a CARP+ Partner?
Partners may be academic, public or private (for‐ profit and not for‐profit) provided they have definite roles and responsibilities clearly laid out.
Can I submit several applications?
A PI can only submit one application. However, individual PIs may be part of more than one application.
Where can I find additional info about the Call?
For more information visit:
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,
Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
Email: /