On-going CARP+ Projects

The on-going CARP+ Projects

Principal Investigator : Prof. Richard Mulwa
Project Summary
Cassava is a drought tolerant food security crop in Kenya with an increasing demand. The production of cassava is faced with many challenges, among them is the use of varieties susceptible to Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD), late maturing, low yielding, and less adaptable to the environment by farmers. The general objective of the project is to contribute to improved food, nutrition and income security of small holder farmers through innovations in the cassava value chain. Training will target TVET students, women and youth groups and farmer producer groups in production, processing and marketing of cassava based products, cassava breeding, and food science . Read More

Principal Investigator: Prof. Jan Swanepoel
Project Summary
The South African wool industry is in a privileged position and has ample opportunity for growth. Wool prices are doing remarkably well, and economists and wool buyers believe this trend will continue due to international market demand exceeding the supply. Furthermore, the creation of niche products from the wool will add to the existing value chain, creating more jobs and an opportunity for enlarging the export market. The overall objective of this project is to transform communal wool growers’ production from an underachieving enterprise to a profitable, sustainable, and renewable venture to enhance the livelihoods of communal wool producers Read More

  Principal Investigator : Dr. Basil Mugonola

Project Summary
Rice is among the priority value chains earmarked for development in Uganda and as such it has received focus due to its paramount importance as both a food security and income crop. The country’s demand for rice outstrips the quantity produced, making Uganda a net importer of rice. Despite widespread adoption of upland rice varieties, there are still glaring yield gaps at farmer fields compared to research stations and limited access to better markets for farmers. The overall objective of this project is to explore mechanisms for market linkages, product diversification and drivers of agribusiness rice cluster performance among rice actors for improved food security and incomes in northern Uganda Read More

Project Summary
The project focuses on the seed potato value chain, crop-intensification production, value addition, and market linkages to provide appropriate interventions on how best seed potato can be made more available and accessible by farmers, how potato farmers can practice a sustainable crop intensification production that maximises the benefits, and how the value of potato can be improved through processing and marketing for increased benefits to farmers and consumers. The overall objective is to enhance the capacity of potato value chain actors to reduce the challenges that constrain sustainable potato productivity. The project will provide an empirical basis for addressing the existing challenges along the value chain. Reduction in these challenges will enhance productivity and profitability in the potato value chains, which is in line with the Uganda National Agricultural Policy. The project, therefore, targets ware and seed potato producers, potato growers’ associations, processors, researchers, and consumers. Because of its focus and scope, the project team constitutes staff and organisations with multidisciplinary backgrounds including academia and researchers at University, Research and Extension organisations, Community-Based Organisation, a potato processing and business incubator, graduate and undergraduate students, a private sector, and TVET Instructors and students. The project uses methodologies that enable potato value chain actors to actively participate in the research processes. It uses Potato-based Innovation Platforms to establish a community-based system for farmers to participate in production, delivery and use of quality seed potato; Farmer Field Demonstrations to validate a system of potato intensification that optimises farmers’ resources; and will develop and market test potato-based value added products to widen potato market outlets, increase incomes of producers and expand consumer choices. By its design, the project will strengthen the synergies and working relationships of the University, private and community-based organisations, Research Institutions and an Agricultural College (TVET Institution) that trains Mid-level Cadres in Uganda in areas of agriculture, agribusiness and human nutrition. Read More

PrincipaI Investigator : Prof. George Nyamadzawo
Project Summary
Many smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are located in semi-arid areas where rainfall is low, erratic, and unreliable, it is imperative to investigate the options to increase water harvesting and water use efficiency to increase crop productivity. This project promotes the use of the Tied Contour Water Rain Harvesting (TC-RWH) system to improve crop production and increase crop yields in semi-arid regions of Buhera and Mwenezi, Zimbabwe. This action augments the many efforts that are on-going in Africa to enhance agricultural research and to improve the capacity of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change . Read More | Visit our   website |  Facebook  |  Twitter   | Youtube Channel 


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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
a.egeru@ruforum.org / mcf@ruforum.org
