CARPS student

Alnzeer fathi omer

Alnzeer fathi omer was born in 1993, and grew up in the eastern Sinner state. He studied the basic and secondary school in the same area. He was graduated from the Al-zaeem Azhari University, Faculty of Agricultural Department of animal production in 2017. He worked as a teaching assistant at the same University in the department of animal production.  He was worked in several animal production companies. He then joined a RUFORUM scholarship at University of Gezira in 2019 his research in l poultry for improving the production of eggs in local breeds. This project will be held in a village in the north of the Al- Gezira. The main objective of the project is to teach the villagers how to raise the poultry under good management to improve their production and thus increase their income and improve their livelihood. In the future, he wants to form a local breed with high production efficiency under local conditions and compete with the global poultry breed


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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

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P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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