Indigenous knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya Author/Editor(s): Ogendo, J. O.Ogweno, J. O.Nyaanga, J. G.Wagara, I. N.Ogayo, K. O.Ochola, S. O.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Indigenous knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya
The adoption and use of ICT by small scale farmers in Gezira State, Sudan Author/Editor(s): Musa, N.S.Githeko, J.M.El-siddig, K.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The adoption and use of ICT by small scale farmers in Gezira State, Sudan
University student-centered outreach for rural innovations and community transformation in northern Uganda Author/Editor(s): Kalule, S. W.Mugonola, B.Odongo, W.Ongeng, D.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about University student-centered outreach for rural innovations and community transformation in northern Uganda