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Updated: 49 min 52 sec ago

Fifty Two (52) RUFORUM Member Universities Ranked among top100 Universities in Webometrics Ranking 2024

Tue, 13/02/2024 - 10:32
Fifty two ( 52) Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) member universities have been ranked among the top 100 universities in the latest Webometrics Ranking for the year 2024. The Webometrics Ranking configured to promote Open Access to the knowledge generated by the Universities highlights their web presence, visibility, impact and digital […]

[RUFORUM-Thought Piece] Inclusive and Transformative Education; where Rubber Meetsthe Road: Experiences from Egerton University

Mon, 12/02/2024 - 11:24
Introduction In today’s complex world, the pursuit of education transcends the mere acquisition of knowledge as witnessed in transformation in education to reshape learning and teaching in preparing the future generations (Srivastava 2023). Higher education institutions hold a critical responsibility in ensuring that education is inclusive and transformative for personal and societal growth. This is […]

Appreciation to RUFORUM: Ousman Sarlia Dorley, PhD in Seed Science

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 17:20
I am pleased to inform you that I have completed all the requirements necessary at the University of Eldoret (UoE) and graduated with a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Seed Science. This includes passing all the courses, conducting research works, successfully defending thesis and also academic articles publications. I was born to Mr. and Mrs. […]


Thu, 08/02/2024 - 12:43
IntroductionMakerere University (MAK) in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five-year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to improve […]

[RUFORUM-COL-AICCRA] Workshop on e-content Development through the Regional E-Learning Platform (REP)

Mon, 05/02/2024 - 14:29
Introduction The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is implementing a project on capacity building for development and delivery of online courses through the Regional E-learning Platform. As part of this project, RUFORUM is […]

MAKERERE UNIVERSITY 74th GRADUATION: How Dr. Mukebezi’s PhD Promises Fortunes to Farmers in Eastern Uganda

Fri, 02/02/2024 - 14:16
Makerere, Uganda – Achieving farmer participation in collaborative activities to tap into agricultural fortunes is always an uphill task, thanks to a doctoral study by Dr. Rebecca Mukebezi. Titled “Organization of Community-based Innovation Platforms to Facilitate Farmer Participation in Collaborative Activities in Eastern Uganda,“ Dr. Mukebezi’s study earned her Doctor of Philosophy in the week-long graduation at Makerere […]

Thirty Four (34) RUFORUM Member Universities Ranked among top 100 Universities in Africa According to uniRank 2023

Fri, 02/02/2024 - 09:58
UniRank African University Ranking recently published the 2023 top 200 recognized higher-education institutions in Africa for their good governance practices and web visibility provided by independent web intelligence sources. UniRank is a non-academic League Table of the top Universities in Africa based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources […]

Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa [Volume 2(3)]

Thu, 01/02/2024 - 10:02
Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa What challenges will the HE sector in Africa face in 2024? (Africa). The African Union (AU) has named 2024 as the Year of Education – a reminder to member states to keep pursuing the goals of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) and […]

[RUFORUM- Thought Piece] Nutrition challenge in Africa (Under-nutrition, over-nutrition, food safety and health)

Mon, 29/01/2024 - 08:11
Africa is the epicentre of under-nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, food poisoning and has in recent decades also registered marked rise in prevalence of over-nutrition and associated non-communicable diseases. Over 20% of Africa’s population face chronic hunger and approximately 30% of children below five years on the continent are stunted as a result of chronic under-nutrition. Prevalence […]

Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa [Volume 2(1)]

Tue, 16/01/2024 - 09:13
2. University World NewsClimate education needed to support youth ecopreneurs (Africa). Education institutions and policy-makers are crucial for scaling up youth-led entrepreneurship and innovation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through skills development and lifelong learning for young people. A discussion themed ‘Fostering youth-led entrepreneurship and innovation for climate resilient communities’ spearheaded by the […]

[RUFORUM-Thought Piece] Transforming Agriculture Education in Conflict Regions: Case of South Sudan

Fri, 12/01/2024 - 17:29
Agriculture sector includes livestock and forestry. The Republic of South Sudan is well endowed with vast land area of 648,051 km2. Over 90 % of its population is residing in rural areas. Fortunately, over 95 % of the land in South Sudan is suitable for agriculture. About 50 million hectares are of prime agriculture land. […]

[13th African Crop Science Society Conference] Building Africa’s Future: Crop Research and Innovation for Agricultural Transformation, Resilience, and Inclusion

Wed, 03/01/2024 - 22:59
The African Crop Science Society (ACSS) is organizing its 13th Conference that will be hosted by Eduardo Mondlane University in collaboration with the National Agriculture Research Institute (IIAM) and other higher education institutions in Mozambique. The conference shall be held from 16th to 19th of September 2024, in Maputo, Mozambique. The Conference will provide a […]

[RUFORUM Newsletter] Transforming Higher Education to Sustainably Feed and Create Prosperity for Africa

Wed, 27/12/2023 - 22:08
Newsletter Highlights This brief highlights of happenings at the 19th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting and Conference in Yaounde, Cameroon African Universities in other media News from Member Universities Partnerships for strengthening higher agricultural education Please read the newsletter from here

[Press Release] Second RUFORUM Triennial Conference Set to Take Place in Windhoek, Namibia in August 2024

Sat, 16/12/2023 - 10:06
[Windhoek, December 8, 2023] – A significant step towards advancing agricultural research and innovation in Africa was taken today as the University of Namibia (UNAM) and the International University of Management (IUM), both members of RUFORUM (Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture), signed a tripartite memorandum of agreement to co-organize the second RUFORUM […]

[RUFORUM-Thought Piece] Strengthening North-South Partnerships in Higher and Tertiary Education: Bridging the Divide for Global Progress

Fri, 15/12/2023 - 07:45
Introduction: In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, the importance of global collaboration in higher and tertiary education cannot be overstated. North-South partnerships play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities that transcend national borders in higher and tertiary education. These partnerships between institutions and individuals from more economically developed “North” […]

[RUFORUM-Thought Piece] Unleashing the Potential of 5G and 6G networks to Improve Teaching and Learning in Africa

Mon, 11/12/2023 - 11:11
Africa is home to the world’s most youthful and rapidly expanding population. By 2030, it is projected that the continent will be inhabited by 1.7 billion individuals, more than half of whom will be under 25 years old[1]. Africa’s youth is anything but passive; they are dynamically engaged in shaping their own destiny. The millennial […]

[RUFORUM-AICCRA-IRI] Training session on “Introduction to climate information services for agriculture”

Fri, 08/12/2023 - 12:48
Date: 12th – 14th December 2023Time: 16:00hrs EATRegistration Link

[RUFORUM-Thought Piece] “The Journey towards Net Zero: What lessons can Africa learn from Europe?”

Thu, 07/12/2023 - 16:38
Background The term Net Zero is used to describe a state in which greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are balanced by greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. The increase in global temperature the world is experiencing is strongly linked to cumulative Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but other greenhouse gases, notably methane, also contribute. The […]
