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Announcement of the First IAAE 2015 Carl K. Eicher Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation

Latest Updates - Tue, 10/03/2015 - 16:08
Family, friends and colleagues of the late Carl K. Eicher have established a fund under the IAAE to support an award for the best doctoral dissertation on Africa to honour the outstanding contributions of the late Professor Eicher to African agricultural research and education. The first award will be made at the International Conference of […] 0

Improving the yield of sweet potato crops in East Africa

Latest Updates - Mon, 09/03/2015 - 11:56
Uganda is one of the leading producers of Sweet potato in Africa. But research into this staple crop has been neglected with farmers recycling diseased and poor yielding varieties. Bionnovate has been working to improve the yield of sweet potato crops in East Africa. Dr. Settumba Mukasa is the Bioinnovate project scientist at Makerere University […] 0

Celebrating Women’s Contribution in Higher Agricultural Education in Africa

Latest Updates - Fri, 06/03/2015 - 17:11
“In 2006, when I first got associated with RUFORUM, I was convinced that this network of highly committed individuals will make a mark in Africa’s history on capacity development and would turn the tide for this continent despite the odds. It has therefore been fulfilling all these years to have had the opportunity to contribute […] 0

Agricultural innovations for sustainable development

Latest Updates - Fri, 30/01/2015 - 09:00
“We should drop the notion that agriculture is a useless, unprofitable career: for those who are training and educated, agribusiness and agricultural science are profitable income earners.” Fredah Karambu Rimberia, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Africa needs more agricultural scientists, and in particular more women scientists. Since 2009, CTA, the Forum for […] 0

Celebrating contribution of African Universities to agricultural development in Africa

Latest Updates - Thu, 29/01/2015 - 11:07
“African Universities are in a change process- they are no longer ‘ivory towers’, but part of practitioners championing rural transformation in Africa” Over the years, it has become increasing important for the RUFORUM Secretariat to strengthen its brand as the focal point for Agricultural Capacity Building for Africa referred to as “Training the next Generation […] 0

Bringing African universities to farmers

Latest Updates - Mon, 05/01/2015 - 09:18
Written by Jon Spaull – SciDevNet This film focuses on the work of researchers from Makerere University, Uganda, in Rakai district, an area of the country whose farmers are particularly prone to climate change-induced water vulnerability. As part of the WATERCAP project, they have helped transform local people’s lives. Through the introduction of low-tech innovations, […] 0

Landmark move West: RUFORUM becomes continental organisation

Latest Updates - Thu, 27/11/2014 - 08:54
At a prominent meeting of African Union (AU) officials and higher education actors from across the continent, held at the Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, between 23-24 November, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) announced a landmark operational move to Western Africa. As part of […] 0

RUFORUM Launches the African Journal for Rural Development and expands its Network to West Africa

Latest Updates - Wed, 26/11/2014 - 18:07
RUFORUM organized a side event at the ongoing FARA 15th anniversary celebrations in Johannesburg, South Africa. The two day event which was a consultation with deans and principals of African Schools/faculties and related sciences was summarized with the launch of the Africa Journal of Rural Development and the announcement of the West Africa as new […] 0

Agribusiness is the way to go for Africa. What is the role of African Universities?

Latest Updates - Tue, 25/11/2014 - 12:09
As part of FARA’s 15th anniversary celebrations, RUFORUM held a two day consultation with deans and principals of African Schools/faculties and related sciences in Johannesburg, South Africa. It focused on developing RUFORUM’s second strategic and third business plan. Over 20 deans, principles and heads of Departments for Agricultural institutions and other private sector stakeholders from […] 0

Using communication to strengthen research

Latest Updates - Wed, 05/11/2014 - 13:55
Written by Linda Nordling RUFORUM was featured among three organizations whose stories are meant to inspire institutions that would like to innovate their communication strategies. Institutions that want to showcase their research impacts and attract investors to their work. The stories were collected and written by Linda Nordling (freelance journalist, based in South Africa). You […] 0

What type of agriculture and food systems do we wish to see in 2030?

Latest Updates - Mon, 27/10/2014 - 17:10
Prof. Adipala Ekwamu joined several delegates in Vienna for the agrinatura Science Days early this year.  The agrinatura Science Days brought together researchers and practitioners concerned with family farming, food security and transformative change in a single forum. The science days, hosted by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, offered a unique opportunity […] 0

Sharing lessons on Mobility Programs implemented in Africa

Latest Updates - Thu, 23/10/2014 - 09:30
Written by Munyaradzi Makoni – The University World News The University World News Interviewed Dr. Christoff Pauw and Mr. Richard Batte during the Fourth Biennial Conference in Maputo Mozambique. They shared their experiences from implementing Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Projects. The full article is available at The University World News Website. The managers of Africa’s intra-ACP […] 0

Reflecting upon Maputo

Latest Updates - Thu, 18/09/2014 - 12:46
Written by: Moses Osiru – Deputy Executive Secretary, (RUFORUM) Nearly two months after the conclusion of RUFORUM’s Fourth Biennial Conference, held in Maputo, Mozambique, this is an opportune time for reflection. Intended to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), African Heads of State declared 2014 the […] 0

Malawian president champions African agriculture

Latest Updates - Tue, 16/09/2014 - 15:01
At a recent meeting at State House, Lilongwe, His Excellency Peter Arthur Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi pledged to champion the cause of agriculture and education across the continent. The meeting with the president, who was sworn into office earlier this year and is a former Minister for Education, Science and Technology, formed […] 0


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