Strengthening Quality Assurance
As part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen the quality of teaching in universities in Africa, RUFORUM (network of 46 African Universities) is working with its member universities to strengthen the quality of post graduate training more specifically in agricultural sciences. The RUFORUM agenda has been aligned to the CAADP and the Framework for implementing CAADP Pillar 4 (FAAP-Framework for African Agricultural Productivity). The FAAP outlines principles for Strengthening Tertiary Agricultural Education in Africa, including improving the quality and relevance of Higher Education in Agriculture.
Accordingly, with the support of ACP-EU, RUFORUM has developed a Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) for the network. The aim is to enhance capacities of universities in ECSA to conduct high quality and relevant graduate training, especially at PhD level. Additionally, it aims at harmonizing the quality assurance mechanism and credit transfer systems within the region. The Network is keen to promote staff and student exchanges and this requires putting in place a harmonized grading system and a credit accumulation and transfer System. Quality to us is about Commitment, and Leadership, Facilities, Logistics, Finance and the Quality of Teaching and Learning