Organizations of Type "Universities in the RUFORUM Network"

The institutions listed in this directory provide information on RUFORUM partner universities, colleges, faculties, and departments.  Wherever available, we have included a link directly to RUFORUM’s partner at these universities.  When these URLs are not available, however, you will find a URL for the university’s website.  For more information on African universities in general, go to the website of the Association of African Universities, which is a pan-African organization and has a list of its member universities.  Click on the link to members in good standing.  When you click on the university’s name you will be taken to the appropriate page for that institution.  For Southern Africa, go to the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA) for details about public universities in the SADC region.  SARUA descriptions also include information about each country’s education system, including at the tertiary level.
Country of Coverage: Ivory Coast
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Cameroon
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Country of Coverage: Senegal
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address: Website
Country of Coverage: Democratic Republic of Congo
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Benin
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Democratic Republic of Congo
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Angola
Region of Coverage: Southern Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Madagascar
Region of Coverage: Southern Africa
Country of Coverage: Cameroon
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Website Address:
